What discounts do we offer and for whom?
1. Fixed discounts for everyone.
If you are in a hurry and you are busy and you don’t have time to solve puzzles, then you can take advantage of fixed discounts for your cart such as free shipping, discounts for amounts over 150, 250, etc.
WELCOME10 – 10% off from your cart
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2. Discounts for experts in Scandinavian mythology.
What does this mean? Answer questions and use your answers as discount codes for your cart
What is the name of the supreme god in Scandinavian mythology?
Who is the god of thunder in Scandinavian mythology?
What was the realm of the gods called?
Who is the goddess of love and beauty in Norse mythology?
What was the mythical golden hall in Asgard called?
Which god is known as the trickster in Scandinavian mythology?
Who was the god of the hunt and the wild?
What is the name of the legendary wolf that will devour the moon during Ragnarok?
In Norse mythology, what is the final battle called?
What is the name of the hammer that Thor wields?
What is the name of the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard and Midgard?
What is the name of Odin's spear?
What was the great tree that connected the nine realms called?
What was the realm of the giants called?
Which goddess was associated with death, war, and the afterlife?
Who was the god of agriculture and fertility?
Which goddess protected marriage and childbirth?
What is the name of Odin's eight-legged horse?
Who was the legendary Viking hero who slew the dragon Fafnir?
What was the Viking sword called?
Who was the god of the sea and storms?
What mythical creature was said to guard the entrance to Asgard?
Who is the god of war in Norse mythology?
Which god was known for his archery skills?
Who was the god of justice and peace?
What was the prophetic drink consumed by Odin?
Who was the legendary queen of the Valkyries?
What was the realm of the dwarves called?
What was the sacred pool used for divination by the Norns?
Who was the goddess of the earth and fertility?
What was the realm of the dead called in Norse mythology?
What is the name of the magical ship that can sail on land and sea in Norse mythology?
What is the name of the boar ridden by Freyr, the god of harvest and prosperity?
What is the name of the giantess who birthed Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel?
What is the name of the all-father of the giants in Norse mythology?
What is the name of the magical golden ring cursed with greed and death in Norse mythology?
What is the name of the boat that carries the dead to the afterlife in Norse mythology?
What is the name of the first man created by the gods in Norse myth, who became the ancestor of all humans?
What is the name of the eternal winter that precedes Ragnarok, the Norse apocalypse?
What is the name of the dwarf who challenges Loki to a flyting contest?
Who is the goddess of healing and protection in Scandinavian mythology?
Who was the god of music and poetry?
What is the home of the dwarves in Norse mythology?
What is the name of the magical necklace that Freyja possesses?
In Scandinavian folklore, what is the name of the mischievous household spirit?
Who is the guardian of the apples of immortality in Norse mythology?
What is the name of the giant eagle who perches on top of Yggdrasil?
Which dwarf crafted the powerful ring named Draupnir and the golden hair of Sif?
Which creatures pull the chariot that carries the moon across the sky in Norse mythology?
What is the name of the undead warriors chosen by Odin to fight alongside the gods during Ragnarok?
Which ancient city was a hub for Viking trade and exploration?
If you are a true Norse mythology buff then you can get up to 25% or more off your cart.
We are constantly working on adding questions and discounts to them, so the list of questions will be expanded over time
3. Hidden discounts for those who think outside the box and are able to see what others do not see.
What does this mean? This means that we have hidden special discount codes throughout our site in the form of riddles; by finding and solving them you will receive additional discount codes for your cart. If you are a real explorer, if you have skills like Sherlock Holmes, then you can get up to 50% or even a larger discount from your cart.
We are constantly working on adding riddles and discounts to them, so come back to us and find new ones.